As a multi-generational, family owned and operated business, H&K has been unique in its ability to remain operationally transparent, engaged and employee centric throughout its corporate history. Effectively operating as a large, connected family of like-minded, focused, hard-working associates, teammates and friends, H&K has developed an amazing culture of trust, giving and camaraderie in its employee family through the years.

Never forced or synthetic out of convenience or business interest, this culture of giving and family-like connectivity has grown along with H&K over the last half-century. Large, family-run Corporation, large heart one might say, and over the years this natural pull to give, care for and be respectful towards each other has been a consistent theme since the very onset of the corporation.

Our people and the level of connectivity, giving and outreach that we have all shown and experienced through the years have been legendary. Though nearly impossible to list all things defining our people centric culture, we have endeavored to list several of the largest and most successful events that truly define who we are as a corporation, and who we’ve been since 1968: a group of hard-working, friendly, caring people.





2052 Lucon Road | P.O. Box 196 Skippack, PA 19474

Phone: 610.584.8500

Email: info@hkgroup.com

Web: hkgroup.com